Caribbean Examinations Council
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Institutions for Private Candidates

I am a private candidate and I have my centre no. but I do not know where it is. This is my centre no. 160254. 

4 people have this question
For january there was a website with the list of numbers telling you the location but I haven't found it may/June yet. Btw how did u get your candidate number I'm having problems finding mines for May/June exam

i have not received my candidate number for the January exams 


I have lost my candidate number how can I get it back
My son lost his candidate number for csec January 2019 exam
How do i get the results without the candidate number
On the student portal, you can log in with the students birth certificate no. if you don't have the candidate no. On the timetable in the student portal you will be able to find the candidate no.
How do i obtain a timetable to obtain my center number as a private candidate.

Good day,

All private candidates must contact the their centre or the Local Registrar/Ministry of Education in their territory to obtain their timetables and candidate number.

I have my center but until date from 2010 I cannot get my English Language results. How do I obtain it without paying that enormous fee. I was a private candidate.
I have not received any candidate number for CSEC JAN 2024..I am a private candidate

Good day and my apologies for the late response.

Registration is managed by the CXC Local Registrar in the Ministry of Education (Overseas Examinations Commission in the case of Jamaica) in each country, and not directly by CXC. Please contact the CXC Local Registrar for registration details on the examinations you are interested in taking.

Click the following link to access the CXC Local Registrars' Directory


Should you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at +1 (246) 227-1700 / +1 (876) 630-5200.

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