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Caribbean Examinations Council
Knowledge base
What is the CXC Electronic Pretest?
What are the minimum requirements to conduct the electronic pretests?
How can the E-Testing platform be accessed?
How is the E-Testing platform installed?
How do candidates log in?
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Getting Started
Who is a CXC Local Registrar?
I am the Principal of a school and wish to enquire about one of my students’ registration details. Should I contact the Council directly?
Is the CSEC Grade III obtained between 1979 and 1997 considered a pass?
How many marks do I need to obtain a Grade I pass?
My son has been entered for Mathematics but it does not appear on his timetable. How can the correction be made?
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When does registration for candidates’ entries take place for CCSLC, CSEC and CAPE sittings?
I understand that CXC has a web-based system used for the registration of candidates. Can I go online and register directly with CXC?
My application for registration for CSEC examinations was turned down by the CXC Local Registrar’s office; can I register directly with CXC?
Can I register at the January CSEC sitting and at the May-June sitting simultaneously?
Which name should be used when registering for an examination?
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Writing Exams
There are some common acronyms used by CXC that I am not familiar with their meaning. Can you tell me what CCSLC, CSEC, CAPE, CPEA, CVQ, ORS, SBA and UCN represent?
Who is the CXC Local Registrar?
I am preparing for the upcoming CSEC examinations, are there any guidelines that would assist in my preparation?
Should the candidate or his/her parent contact CXC on issues such as registration, timetables, SBA, examination results, certificates or return of candidate’s work?
I am a teacher of Caribbean History and have a query concerning the examination. Should I contact CXC directly?
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Associate Degrees
In what areas are Associate Degrees being offered?
What is the CXC Associate Degree?
When did the CXC Associate Degree start?
What qualifies a student for the CXC Associate Degree?
Can a student do more than ten Units?
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What is CAPE?
What are the Subjects being offered at the CAPE Level?
What is the difference between Cape Applied Mathematics and Pure Mathematics?
What qualifications are required before I can attempt CAPE?
Must I attempt Unit 1 before proceeding to Unit 2?
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What is CSEC?
What subjects are being offered at the CSEC level?
What is a Resit candidate?
Who is considered a Private candidate?
What exam papers do I need to complete when studying by myself?
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Why CVQ?
How are candidates assessed for CVQ?
What does CXC look for?
What are approved standards?
Who are the assessors?
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Why a new secondary level programme and examination from CXC?
How is this new programme different from Basic and General Proficiency?
To whom is the programme targeted?
How is the programme structured?
What is the role of teacher assessment in the programme?
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Student Services
My daughter wants to send details of her CXC qualifications to an overseas university. How can she go about having that done?
I cannot locate my CXC certificate. How may I obtain another copy?
Where can I obtain a report detailing the performance of CXC’s candidates in a given subject?
What does the acronyms CSEC and CAPE mean?
If I am not attending a school, am I still allowed to sit CSEC or CAPE subjects?
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How may I apply for a summer job?
I am interested in marking examinations offered by CXC. How do I obtain an application form?
What qualifications must I have in order to be a marker?
How do I know if my application to mark question papers was successful?
The CXC-Qualification Structure (CXC-QS)
What is a qualifications framework?
What are learning outcomes?
What is the difference between a learning outcome and a competency?
What is the difference between a qualification framework and a qualification structure?
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Online Registration System
What is the ORS?
Are there manuals available for the ORS?
Can learners register for any of CXC’s offerings through the ORS?
Can I use the same login credentials to the ORS for CCSLC, CSEC, CAPE and CVQ?
I encountered a problem while working in the ORS. Should I contact the CXC’s eSupport Help Desk about it?
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When does the registration for CXC’s examinations begins?
When does the official late entry and amendment period begins for the CSEC January, and the CSEC and CAPE May-June sittings?
When does the Non-Compliance period begins for the CSEC January, and the CSEC and CAPE May-June sittings?
When does the official late entry and amendment period begins for the CCSLC June sitting?
Is there a Non-Compliance period for the CCSLC June sitting?
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School Based Assessment (SBA) and order merit issues
My centre has completed the SBA data capture for all the subjects and has forwarded the data file to the Ministry. Should the centre generate the SBA Confirmation Report at this time?
One of the teachers at the school has not completed the SBA data input for his subject. Can I forward the SBA for all the other subjects?
When I went to key the SBA marks for the candidates for Home Economics: Management, Profiles 1 and 2 were grayed out and only Profile 3 active. How do I get to key the marks in Profiles 1 and 2?
When I go to the SBA Data Capture screen, I cannot see the candidates to input their SBA marks. What could be the reason?
I have keyed all the SBA marks into the system for all the subjects but when I attempt to forward the data file to the Ministry an error message appears stating that the SBA for all subjects must be completed before the file can be forwarde
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I have completed the data input exercise for script reviews for two candidates. Should I forward the file to the Ministry or to CXC?
Is there a deadline for the submission of requests for script reviews?
How do I pay for a script review?
How can I get the top performing students from my school?
When is the Merit Order Report available?
Login Issues
Issues Accessing Portal
Unable To Access Portal
CXC Learning Hub
CXC Learning Hub FAQ
What is the CXC Learning Hub?
How can the CXC Learning Hub help me to prepare for my examinations?
How do I know that the resources on the CXC Learning Hub are accurate?
What is the CXC Learning Hub beta version and when will the alpha version be available?
What is the difference between FREEMIUM and PREMIUM content?
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Getting Started with your courses
How do I switch between levels?
How do I switch between my subjects?
How do I register for a subject?
How do I access content for a subject that I have registered for?
User Registration Process
How do I register for my CXC Learning Hub account?
I have not received the verification email, what should I do?
Recipient Troubleshooting
RM Assessor (Scoris)
Markers unable to see the work they are expecting to see
Marker sees ‘Unauthorised to view any scripts’ when logging into scoris
Script download problems
Why is Start Marking not available
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RM Assessor Remote Access Service (Mac Users)