Records & Record Keeping
1. The use of approved standards of competence, as the benchmark of competency standards
2. Facilities audit
3. Relevant curriculum materials and assessment plans
4. A framework for the comparison of evidence against competency standards to establish the performance level of the individual student
5. Details of qualifications and experience of assessors
6. Explicit rationale for the approach to the collection of a range of evidence
7. Effective methods for the storage & retrieval of evidence of competence
8. Efficient and effective feedback mechanisms in place
9. Evidence of appeals procedure in place
10. External Verifiers’ reports
11. Evidence of continuous assessment (use of logbooks; portfolios or similar documentation)
12. Records of meetings of assessors within skill areas, and with school administrators/internal verifiers
13. Internal Verifiers’ reports
14. Evidence of planning (meetings with assessors, internal verifier)
15. Realistic timetabling
Management of Assessment
1. Class lists & records of achievement
2. Valid, Reliable, Flexible and Fair assessment processes
3. Evidence of learner participation in the assessment process (signed assessment documents)
4. Evidence of planning (meetings with assessors, internal verifier)
5. Internal Verifiers’ reports
6. Evidence of use of a range of assessment instruments (use of logbooks; portfolios; checklists or similar documentation)
7. Evidence that facilities in place do provide opportunities for authentic assessment of performance.
8. Relevant curriculum materials and assessment plans
9. External Verifiers’ reports