There are 2 types of Atypicals:
- Un-scanable Atypical: Cannot be scanned so papers are removed for paper marking. Eg braille scripts.
Scanning company: Setup a ‘placeholder’ for the script. This is a single page which is uploaded into scoris, to enables marking. Sends all ‘Unscannable Atypicals’ the awarding body.
Awarding body: Decides who will mark which scripts. Scripts are sent to the examiners.
Examiner: Receives the physical script. Searches for the script (placeholder) in the atypical WorkList in Scoris. Marks and submits the paper in scoris and sends the script back to Awarding Body.
- Scanable Atypicals: Responses that can be scanned, but cannot be marked in structured mode eg oversized scripts.
Examiner searches for the script in the atypical WorkList in Scoris. Marks the script unstructured mode, and submits the paper in scoris.
Examiners will have been asked to mark Atypicals by the awarding body.
For further information about searching for Atypical scripts, please see Marker Guide.