It could be that the amendment file was never forwarded to the Ministry; if it was, the Ministry probably did not forward it to CXC. Generate the 'Forward Status Report' in the ORS to see which files were/weren’t forwarded. All outstanding files should be forwarded.
It could be that the amendment file with the name change was received by CXC after the file with the candidate’s timetable data was processed. If that was the case, the name change would be reflected on the preliminary results slip, when received.
If the User had changed the candidate's name at the time of registration because the candidate was previously registered with an incorrect name, the system would search the database and replace the new name with the old named (even though incorrect). A name-change amendment can only be done after the close of official registration deadline. The User should send an e-mail to the Ministry to explain why the amendment was done. In such cases, the Amendment Fee would be waived by CXC, however, if the candidate requires a name change to any certificate(s) previously issued, a Change of Certificate Fee (BDS$60) must be paid.